Monday, July 13, 2009


Hi All,

nih ada program buat yang suka berfoto-foto di photo sticker booth, atau kotak foto yang suka ada di timezone atau di mall-mall.
dengan beberapa "sentuhan" hasil foto bakalan makin OK hehehe...

Ada versi litenya yang free, juga ada versi berbayarnya dengan harga $2,99,-
Uniknya lagi, hasil olahan kita bisa langsung diupload ke Facebook lho... so, it's worth to try.

Friday, July 3, 2009

"Bocoran" update Facebook u iPhone dr iPhone Buzz

Facebook for iPhone 3.0 is coming very soon, adding some more cool features like Events listings, Notes, Pages, and photo albums. But, according to Joe Hewitt, lead engineer for Facebook’s iPhone application, Push Notifications is in development but it won't make it into 3.0 -- so we should wait until the next update later this summer.

facebook-iphone-30Hewitt explains the new features:

  1. The "new" News Feed
  2. Like
  3. Events (including the ability to RSVP)
  4. Notes
  5. Pages
  6. Create new photo albums
  7. Upload photos to any album
  8. Zoom into photos
  9. Easier photo tagging
  10. Profile Pictures albums
  11. A new home screen for easy access to all your stuff, search, and notifications
  12. Add your favorite profiles and pages to the home screen
  13. Better Notifications (they link to the comments so you can reply)
  14. Quickly call or text people right from the Friends page
  15. Messages you are typing will be restored if you quit or are interrupted by a phone call
==> Copy and Paste from iPhone Buzz at


Wah... Lama menghilang nih krn pas liburan, gak utak-atik gadget dulu melainkan kuliner yg diurus hehehe....

Balik dr liburan, coba search aplikasi baru di apstore, eh nemu aplikasi namanya FaceMic

Di deskripsinya dijelasin bahwa FaceMic berfungsi seperti recording biasa, namun keunikannya adalah hasil recordingnya langsung bisa dipublished ke Facebook dan masuk ke profile kita.

Penasaran, saya coba beli applikasinya seharga $0,99 , trus langsung dicoba. Tampilan dalamnya seperti ini

Pertama aku coba setel itunes u muter rekaman suara Elena pas umur 2 tahun, trus aku deketin speaker/mic iPhone ke speaker laptop dan langsung rekam (touch gambar mic) trus setelah itu, langsung upload ke facebook dengan touch gambar "published to facebook"

Setelah bbrp saat, ada notifikasi "published" dan langsung check ke fesbuk via laptop. Suaranya jelas lho hehehe... Kalo tampilan/notifikasi di iPhone facebook, seperti ini:

Sayang u sekarang rekaman belum bs langsung didenger dr fesbuk di iPhone, hopefully pas pengembangan kedepan sdh bisa (denger-denger akan ada versi baru Facebook u iPhone yg support multimedia dan push notifikasi hehehe... Kita tunggu aja).

So, buat rekan2 yg hobby ngomong, nyanyi dan berceloteh... App ini pas banget deh buat kamu2.

Silahkan mencoba.....

-- Post From My iPhone
Ps: seluruh gambar diatas diambil dan diedit menggunakan aplikasi di iPhone