Thursday, November 12, 2009


Dari Wikipedia, arti massage adalah sebagai berikut:

Massage is the practice of soft tissue manipulation with physical (anatomical), functional (physiological), and in some cases psychological purposes and goals.[1] The word comes from the French massage "friction of kneading", or from Arabic massa meaning "to touch, feel or handle" or from Latin massa meaning "mass, dough".[2][3] An older etymology may even have been the Hebrew me-sakj "to anoint with oil". In distinction the ancient Greek word for massage was anatripsis,[4] and the Latin was frictio.

Massage involves acting on and manipulating the body with pressure – structured, unstructured, stationary, or moving – tension, motion, or vibration, done manually or with mechanical aids. Target tissues may include muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, joints, or other connective tissue, as well as lymphatic vessels, or organs of the gastrointestinal system. Massage can be applied with the hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearm, and feet. There are over eighty different recognized massage modalities.[5] The most cited reasons for introducing massage as therapy have been client demand and perceived clinical effectiveness.[6]

In professional settings massage involves the client being treated while lying on a massage table, sitting in a massage chair, or lying on a mat on the floor. The massage subject may be fully or partly unclothed. Parts of the body may be covered with towels or sheets.

Nah... Bingung kan? Hehehe...

Pokoke, intinya Massage atau pijat itu adalah tindakan kita u menyentuh titik titik pada bagian2 tubuh kita untuk tujuan kesehatan.

Nah, kalo mo belajar tentang massage, titik2 akupuntur dan kegunaan dr masing2 bentuk pijatan, coba deh unduh aplikasi Massage di Appstore. Again.... It's FREE lho (for limited time)

Screenshootnya seperti gambar diatas yach.

Keren kan?

-- Post From My iPhone

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Phone Jack

Wah... Sdh lama nih gak nulis2
Maaf ya, lagi banyak kerjaan nih hehehe...

Ok deh, langsung aja ya.
Buat temen2 yg mau ubah penampilan keypad phone nya, coba deh install Phone Jack (dari appstore) and buruan, mumpung masih Free.

Phone Jack ini fungsinya sama persis dgn fungsi phone bawaan iphone, hanya saja ada bbrp pilihan keypadnya, juga penempatan speeddial menggunakan foto yg unik.

Berikut screenshot nya

Tuh... Jadi keren kan?
Hehehe, so tunggu apa lagi? Search phone jack and install it while FREE.

-- Post From My iPhone